You'll love learning about sobriety from
the Oldtimers. Our most popular title.
Pocket Sponsor $9.95

Peek at a live preview of the original Pocket Sponsor.
This support book contains 744 12-Step mini meditations for every hour of the day for 31 days! Beginners will read this when they won't read anything else recovery. It's shorthand for the messages they need to get.


744 Mini Meditations

The Pocket Sponsor is a series of Mini Meditations

These mini meditations contain classic tips on how to get sober, stay sober, and even explores the meaning of being clean and sober. This book defines sobriety as the Old-timers in Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous defined it. These short-short meditations are the tools we learned from our sponsors in 12 Step programs. They are followed with a personal and positive recovery reflection. The first page contains a line for your sobriety date, your 12 Step sponsor's number, and a list for contacts from your home group meeting. Play this explainer video below where Niko informs you exactly how to use the Pocket Sponsor.

A book does not have to be AA conference-approved literature to work for supporting recovery. The Pocket Sponsor works for newcomers and Old-timers in the fellowships because it was written by the Old-timers who wrote Hazelden's classic book "Day By Day" just like "24 Hours a Day" was written. Containing 744 back-to-the-basics meditations and reflections for alcoholism and drug addiction recovery, the Pocket Sponsor is like a 12 Step workbook, a Touchstones meditation book, a Sponsor’s guidelines, and fellowship support all in one. It makes a great sobriety anniversary gift and is also sold in a clean and sober gift set and as a recovery app with a sobriety tracker.

At only $9.95, with a huge discount for bulk orders, it is the best value for your recovery investment. Our other titles such as the humor book "Known Cures for Alcoholism and Other Addictions," "Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book," "Color Me Sober," and a few other titles were all written by people in recovery, for people in recovery. We sell our recovery books and literature for less than Hazelden, Amazon, and Health Communications. And finally, our clean and sober Christmas Gift specials are the lowest prices of the year and make incredible support gifts for your sponsees, sponsors, clients, friends and family. Sign up for our recovery mailing list (only 3 emails per year is our promise) for AA and NA gifts for men and women.

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    Earn money. Become a Pocket Sponsor Affiliate Any products you sell via your affiliate account will earn you 20% of every single sales that you refer. Earn money for your center, group, Intergroup, or just yourself. Open an account, get your affiate store link, and share it with your group, family and friends. Earn 20% of every order. Become An AFFILIATE
Walk Softly & Carry a Big Book Decal Color Me Sober with starter pencil set
Walk Softly & Carry a Big Book for members of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous Pocket Sponsor

Lee survived alcoholism, now can he survive recovery?

Escaping Myself, Lee B's biography

Our newest book by and for those in recovery is ready. Lee B. was a recovered alcoholic and well known muralist in Western Colorado. He maintained sobriety for 56 years before his death in 2021. Abandoned as a child, a kid who beat up bullies, a toilet hugging drunk, courtmartialed for murder, escaped the mob, he found AA at age 22. Lee is the most implusive, destructive, selfish, completely insane sober drunk that you will hate to love, but you’ll love Lee, anyway. Order Escaping Myself on Kindle, in paperback or hardback.
Learn about the book, Escaping Myself

Earn commissions. Become a Pocket Sponsor Affiliate

Earn money by becoming a Pocket Sponsor Affliate.

This is an opportunity for you to earn money by helping us spread the message of recovery. We are a small publishing house that puts out books by those in reovery, for those in recovery. Join the Pocket Sponsor family and earn some funds for your group, your center, or yourself. It's simple and straightforward:
* Open an account with Hip Pay
* Put some links out in social media
* Anything that sells from your link, you earn 20%!
Program details Any questions? Call Shelly 888 447 1683

How can my clients use the Pocket Sponsor?

Niko explains how to use this book

You can't be with your sponsees 24/7, but their Pocket Sponsor can. With 744 mini meditations for every hour of the day, they get the support they need. It can help you through the rough times, too. Meant to be carried thoughout the day, this book gives the wisdom of the old timers all year long. A perfect clean and sober support gift.

FREE Mini meditation books for Centers in Need

Free mini booklet for centers in need

Almost gone! We have leftover 1st editions of the Mini Meditation book, the Pocket Sponsor Thumbnail. We will share until we run out. It is excerpted from the Original Pocket Sponsor. This edition has a few typos but many still find it usefull as a recovery tool. If your center needs a little extra help this year, we are able to offer 50 FREE copies in our 'Pay It Forward Program.' Request the booklets here.

Words from our Readers

Satya B. This pocket sponsor is just fantastic and at times I get my answers from it.I only forward the day I really learn something and not always. Lots of love from India
Review from "Body, Mind, & Spirit" Magazine This exceptional support book also has a phone list for the number of your sponsor and others in your recovery circle. Whether you are new to recovery or have more program time, Pocket Sponsor is a wonderful book filled with words of inspiration and hope. It's a must for people in recovery.
Steve from Scottsdale I use the Pocket Sponsor with my patients at the treatment center. Here is a recent quote, from a letter written to the center, from a patient who completed treatment. "Dear Steve, I want to thank you for the extra help you gave me w/ the Pocket Sponsor."
Dara W. I just celebrated my 7yr anniversary. By the Grace of God and the AA fellowship that I am part of. I wanted to thank you for writing this book & the mini thumbnail book. I am on my 5th one. They wear out easy when you are always opening them. lol, Thank you and God Bless
Eddie from Canada Look forward to the pocket sponsor every morning when I get up,for you to start my day off on a positive note. I pass it on to everyone on my address list. Keep passing on all of that great wake up info. It sure start's my day off on the right foot.I still don't know how you got my email address,but i sure am glad you did.Keep the great gift of hope coming.
Brian from Maryland Please know how grateful I am for this handy , concise , thought provoker... Little did I know how often we would refer to that little volume! Since that weekend, my sponsor has been diagnosed with a serious terminal illness.Your book is one that he consistently mentions frequently as a source of inspiration during our times together.
Tom in Poland This Pocket Sponsor is probably the best thing I have in my in-box each day. I have had others daily things sent to my email, but none as good as this. Very practical, can be applied immediately and isn't full of jargon and holier then thou sayings. I love it!!! I'm very grateful I am getting them.
Robert F from San Diego I am so pleased to have found "The Pocket Sponsor". So far I have passed on a copy to my sponsor, who carries it in his car, reading the appropriate time each time he gets in the car. He thinks it is wonderful. I also gave a copy to a newcomer that was having problems putting together 24 hours without a drink. He reported today that he now has 60 hours without a drink with the help of "The Pocket Sponsor"
Bernadette from Canada I think the pocket sponsor is a very good thing..sometimes I read something in it that strikes me and I say to myself- that is so true...

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You're awesome thank you I'm going to promote the heck out of this book. I love the way it talks normal and it's truly a gift for my from my higher power. ~Robert L from Idaho

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Shelly Marshall in her red hat

Publisher, Shelly Marshall

The Pocket Sponsor and related titles are published, trademarked, and sold by Day By Day Recovery Resources. Day By Day is owned and operated by Hazelden Author, Shelly Marshall, and her family. Please visit Day By Day's official publishing site for more information.

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    A list of technologies that track you and sell your info are here (not limited to this list—there are thousands!). But you might want to figure out ways to protect your info from these popular sites:

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    Think about NOT using the above companies unless you want to support what they do such as canceling you, shadow-banning, filtering what they show you, selling your personal info, handing it over to police and DOJ when requested, —etc. From CBS, “A huge amount of attention has been paid to government snooping, and the bulk collection and storage of vast amounts of raw data in the name of national security. What most of you don't know, or are just beginning to realize, is that a much greater and more immediate threat to your privacy is coming from thousands of companies” you use everyday.

    Here are a few sites that will give you info on how to protect yourself if you so desire:
